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Ask the Expert - James Power

Ask the Expert - James Power

James Power, Teacher at the Manchester Alexander Training School and at his studio in Knutsford near Tatton Park

What is the Alexander Technique?

The origins of the Alexander Technique date back to the early 20th century and a talented actor called Frederick Matthias Alexander. When on stage, Alexander struggled with vocal problems and could not find a doctor to help him.

James takes up the story: “Alexander discovered that it was something he was doing was causing his voice to go when he was performing. He discovered he was stiffening and shortening his body in a way which was causing him this problem when he was speaking. He decided to systematically re-educate himself to find a new way of thinking about the act of speaking, and this solved his problems. So, this really beautiful technique and philosophy came about through that.”

While the Alexander Technique has helped people all over the world, it is not always easy to communicate what the Technique is.

James describes it as the “user manual for your body and mind”, adding that it’s an effective way to “improve your posture and performance, and a powerful method to restore grace in movement”.

Put simply, Alexander Technique teachers gently use their hands to show pupils how to undo unnecessary tension. This helps to reduce problems caused by unhelpful habits.

“The Alexander Technique for me is freedom,” says James. “Freedom from habits and behaviours that cause so much suffering, and freedom to think and move with grace and poise.

“On a practical level, you see how effective it is in reducing back pain. The BMJ published the results of a large clinical trial in 2008 that showed that, after one year, people who had Alexander lessons had 86% fewer days of back pain, much less incapacity and a better quality of life compared with those who received the usual GP care. A further large clinical trial at the University of York confirmed the effectiveness for reducing neck pain.

“For me, after having a stroke as a child, the Alexander Technique gave me back the ability to run and walk and play sports I love. Every day, I see the impact the Alexander Technique has in helping people to reduce stress and improve their confidence. It’s about the way we use our bodies and minds, how it impacts our performance in every area of our lives.”

Helping others

For James, the Alexander Technique has led to what he calls a “radical acceptance” of his condition and who he is as a person.

“There's so much body shaming in our culture where people have all of this tension, and it manifests in muscular tension. But your body and mind are completely intertwined. So, I've just been in awe of this technique, and I'm still fascinated by how you can adapt. The technique is profoundly helpful, and it's one of those things that really could make a massive impact if more people were aware of it.”

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