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Get Set for Success in 2025: Make This Year Your Best Yet

Get Set for Success in 2025: Make This Year Your Best Yet

Heather Agan de Visser shares her step by step process to help you to create and achieve your goals this year

The New Year brings a special kind of energy. It's the ideal moment to tune into where you’re at and what you want. A fresh start, a clean slate, a whole year ahead full of opportunity - what will you do with it?

Cut out distractions

We receive more information in a single day than people received in a lifetime, 100 years ago. With supercomputers in our pockets designed to hold our attention, we can be so distracted that it feels hard to stop and think.

To create a clear vision for your life, you need a clear mind - start with a digital detox.

Turn off notifications and put your phone away. Everything will be waiting for you when you get back!

Distraction-free time is special, so add  it into your self care routine - a personal ritual.

Choose a time where the demands of your busy life won’t bother you. Book the time into your diary. Find a cosy place to settle for a while. Open up a beautiful notebook, and journal on what you really desire.

“Begin with the end in mind” - Dr Stephen R Covey

Ask yourself, where do I want to be at the end of 2025? Close your eyes and imagine yourself there. Spending time visualising where you want to get to, will make it more real and more achievable.

  • How do you want to feel?

  • How have you spent your time this year?

  • What have you achieved in 12 months time?

  • Write out your answers and let yourself daydream - enjoy the experience!

  • Choose your top 3 priorities.

  • Brainstorm the possible actions you could take to achieve each one. Don’t self-edit while you’re brainstorming, let your mind wander.

  • Then, review your list and choose 3 actions you want to take for each one, and when you want to have completed them.

This is the first step on your path to success.

Meet yourself where you are

Beware comparison culture which tells us that we’re not doing, having or being enough. That everyone else is blazing a trail and we’re the only ones feeling a bit stuck. Obviously, this is not true.

Give yourself grace and empathy as you go - some seasons you’ll have boundless energy to pursue your dreams, others, you’ll need more rest and reflection.

Starting from a place of realistic self acceptance will set you up for success later on.

“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.” - Theodore Roosvelt

Accountability rules

Having a big vision is exciting, but making it happen is not easy. You need motivation and momentum.

Sharing your goals with someone ignites an extra spark, keeping you motivated to get stuff done. Accountability is a superpower! You are 95% more likely to achieve your goals if you share them with someone, and regularly check in with them to talk about your progress. This could be a friend, colleague, or professional coach.

Doing the work to create your vision and decide your goals is the first step - having someone in your corner to keep you accountable will help you to make it a reality.

Heather offers one to one coaching, strategy days & business consultancy for founders & busy professionals to help you bring your vision to life and is offering 25% off all packages in Q1 of 2025.

Instagram: @iamheatheragandevisser

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