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Ask the Expert - Venard Fong from The Venard Clinic

Venard Fong from The Venard Clinic on how he helped Olympian and Commonwealth Games gold medallist Chris Cook

Many people are affected by chronic pain, many of them have had promises broken and each time get increasingly jaded and sceptical. More amplified when someone comes along and says they can be better in just a few hours/days.

His goal was in less than 48 hours.

Busy parent, entrepreneur and also double Commonwealth gold medallist and former Olympian, swimmer Chris Cook was frustrated at the impact his chronic back pain was having on his personal and work life over the past 3 to 4 years.

He thought this was down to the intense training regime when he was competing.

Despite retiring from competition and training dialled down, the pain was still there.

He knew this was not a training related problem.

This impacted his mood, daily life with his family as well as the brain fog and focus he required for work.

Chris travelled from the North East for a two day fast track clinic. These are clinics where we work with the client exclusively for a short and intense duration to solve their issue. Ideal for those on a time deadline or travelling long distances.

We mapped out his history in detail covering all injuries and possible causes. Assessments looked at both ends of the spectrum:

  • Full body stability, balance and ranges of movement.

  • Individual movement and function of his back-joints and muscles.

Even with extensive treatment previously with local clinics to Olympic therapists, the issue persisted. There was one particular strategy as a possible cause came to mind…compensation.

Findings showed his back to be tight, weak, and compressed with limited range of movement. He saw the weakness in balance and stability in real time via the software used to track this.

His back had compressed to create stability as a compensation. As the joints now have stability, the muscles do not need to work to stabilise and weaken over time.

To affect such a key structure for this length of time, likely cause would be a high priority area that can influence large systems and groups of muscles.

The primary cause was his eyes- a reduced ability of coordination between how both eyes moved and worked together as a unit. By improving this ability with specific eye exercises and bringing it back to within normal limits again, this not only restored the strength of the weak muscles and the tightness cleared up. The mobility of his spine returned to normal and pain was eliminated.

The body and spine follow where the head moves.

The head follows where the eyes move.

As a former athlete, Chris loves his numbers. His whole career and swim times were based on data. We retested the full body stability and balance afterwards and both these aspects had doubled.

With Chris still enjoying the gym and active lifestyle, we even put the work through a workout. Movements he would previously avoid were effortless. He now has confidence in his body and to this day has remained pain free.

For more information or to book a call to see if your issue can be helped:



IG: the_venard_clinic

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