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Lowdown on Lockdown - Phillip Monroe, Destinology

Lowdown on Lockdown - Phillip Monroe, Destinology

From binge-worthy box sets to getting creative in the kitchen, friends of The Cheshire Magazine share their lockdown experience


Phillip Monroe - Destinology

What binge-worthy box set can you recommend?

I will hold my hands up to say I watch Tiger King on Netflix. I often watch gripping documentaries like Innocent Files, or one of my favourites was “60 Day’s In” where 7 civilians enter a jail to gain information from inside.      

What else have you been doing to keep yourself entertained?

I’ve been working Monday to Friday so I’ve not really been struggling to entertain myself. I’ve been joining in family quiz time on Zoom. I’ve been self-isolating at my cousins home for company so we have found ourselves joining in club nights on a Friday where we dance around the living room. The weather has been great so we’ve had a couple of BBQ’s in the garden with a few cocktails. It’s been strange not inviting anyone so the cat got a good share of the food.

What home DIY have you attempted?

Over the Easter weekend, my cousin asked me if it would be possible to clean out the gutters on top of the house so out came one large ladder and shaky legs. I have also been gardening which I found very therapeutic.

What new dish have you trialled in the kitchen?

Food has been a big change for me, having more time in the kitchen has been interesting. My cousin and I take turns and have now got ourselves in a routine which will be missed once we get back to some normality. My curry dishes have seen some improvements with more veg, creating my own curry sauce with spices was a worry but tasted great… I live to tell the tale.

What exercise routine have you got in place?

Before lockdown I was up and in the gym every morning at 6 AM, this is a routine which was going to be the most missed for me. I decided to head out along the canal for a run, I enjoyed it so much that I logged online to purchase a pair of proper running shoes. I have now achieved my personal best 10K of a time 50 minutes. I have really got the taste for running, it clears your head and is something I will continue to do. 

How have you been keeping in touch with friends and family?

Keeping in touch has been better than ever before. I arranged a family get together on one of the current apps to include my two siblings and kids in the UK and my two siblings and kids who live in Australia, along with my parents. This was actually a first time we have all done this sort of thing. It was noisy but great to see each other as a family. I’ve also built stronger relationships with my friends as we have all been playing games and catching up on a daily basis. Working from home is mentally challenging so having the chance to communicate more has been amazing.

What has been the main benefit of your lockdown?

Cherishing time. I know what is happening is a terrible time for many and I do believe that this lockdown has given me time to press the reset button. The world spins too fast and we plan too much without thought, so I’m taking this time to focus on the things that matter the most. A break from the mad world, time to reflect and appreciate the good things we do have. I will look at life differently and I’m sure many people will and also seeing neighbourhoods come together has been incredible.

What is the first thing you want to do when the lockdown is over?

Swim to Australia. joking aside, I was meant to have travelled to Australia to catch up with my brother, sister and their families over the Easter period. A good holiday will be needed and that is what I look forward to… sand in my toes and a cocktail at sunset whilst listening to the waves of the ocean.

Destinology wht.png

Destinology - Wilmslow

47-49 Alderley Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire

t: 01625 885 588




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