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Q&A with... Louise Stockton, Around The House Furniture

Q&A with... Louise Stockton, Around The House Furniture

We talk to Louise Stockton, Owner Of Around The House Furniture

How would you describe yourself?

I’m Louise, the owner of Around The House Furniture, mum to Harper (aged 2) and wife to Chris. I’m a big personality who loves holidays and cleaning (but not cleaning on holiday!). These days I can usually be found rolling around in soft play areas, reliving my own childhood and generally enjoying life with my family.

Tell us a bit more about you… 

I completed a degree in Interior Design from Huddersfield University back in 2011 and went straight to the USA to do some major travelling from LA to New York. After returning to reality, I went on to design show homes in Newcastle for a small company. I enjoyed my time working there but I was always meant to be my own boss and so Around The House Furniture was born.

Who are your greatest influences?

I follow lots of designers on Instagram, the newest I’m swooning over is Sophie Paterson, but the original and main lady for me is Kelly Hoppen. I bought all her books while I was at university and looking through them now over 10 years later, her designs haven’t dated. They’re just classic and timeless which is one of the things I most admire. Producing products that are sustainable and high quality means the end user can keep them for years to come and they don’t end up as disposable fashion pieces that are to be discarded as soon as another style comes out.

What have been some of your best jobs/experiences at work?

I love seeing the recognition for all the hard work that’s gone into building the business up, especially in print. The first time we were featured in a glossy magazine I just lost my mind. We’ve been featured in magazines that I have subscriptions to and never dreamed that one day our products would be featured on their very pages. It’s a very special feeling because being the boss of your own business can be very lonely, especially because friends and family don’t always see all the work going on behind the scenes, so being recognised is that little pat on the back you sometimes need to keep you going.

Traditional vs contemporary style?

This is a tough one, and I kind of prefer a blend of the two. I like traditional style because as I said earlier, classic design doesn’t go out of fashion, but I do like to put a contemporary twist on things. So, I love a shaker style kitchen with natural stone flooring, but I might mix that with a more modern light fitting or a nice contemporary print on my curtain fabric and upholstery. When you look at the designers I take inspiration from, you’ll notice a pattern. I’m very much a neutral palette kind of gal. 

What would you consider your greatest achievement?

It sounds cheesy to say (but I’m going to say it anyway) but being a mum and wife is the best feeling in the world. I’ve always been a huge workaholic and career person until I had Harper at the end of 2019. That, along with the global pandemic really stopped me in my tracks and forced me to take a step back and work out how I really wanted my life to look. It was in lockdown 3.0 that Around The House Furniture was born and I decided to leave my old job to focus solely on creating that to be a successful business. I have so many exciting plans for it in 2022, I think the best is still yet to come. 

What would your superpower be?

I’d be able to teleport myself! I sometimes have a real urge to move somewhere new but being such a home bird I worry about being too far away from friends and family. Being able to teleport from one place to another in an instant would be a dream.


Last book you read?

I used to read loads of books but alas with a busy life, I prefer audiobooks now which I listen to every morning while I get ready. I’m a big personal development and mindset junkie and have just finished Mel Robbins’ ‘High 5 Habit’ which I loved.

Dream buy? 

I am addicted to Right Move, I just love property, especially really run-down grotty houses most people wouldn’t touch with a bargepole. I see the beauty and potential where most wouldn’t. My dad was a property developer so I was exposed to it from a young age and would see the transformations that could be made with a bit of hard work.

So, a country style house with a big back garden and balcony would be my dream… an endless supply of money to design it exactly how I wanted it wouldn’t go amiss either! 

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