Life in Design - Helena Croft
We meet Helena Croft, Associate Interior Designer, Janey Butler Interiors at the Llama Group
What’s important to you when beginning a design on behalf of a client?
At the beginning of the project, the most important thing to me is getting to know the client, gaining an understanding of how they live, and particularly how they want to use their space. As designers, we can work with and adapt spatial constraints, so the bigger challenge is working out what our clients need to enhance their experience of the space and transform it into a home they will love.
The proudest moment in your career to date?
Design is a collaborative process, and I’m proud to have been part of various groups that have won international competitions and awards, which always reflect a huge team effort. So what I’m personally most proud of is what’s happening now at Janey Butler Interiors and the Llama Group. We are growing and developing: the processes in the interiors group have transformed in recent months, and we now have a fantastic, strong, dedicated team.
I’m grateful to be part of this amazing unit, and very excited about what we can achieve in our future projects.
The best thing about working in the industry?
I love coming to work every day and being able to create; being able to come up with a piece of joinery or a scheme that will change the look and feel of a space. Also our work takes us to some beautiful properties in some stunning places.
Which designer inspires you the most?
Peter Zumthor. His buildings are so powerfully atmospheric. For me, they are buildings that give you space to think, and I find his use of texture, materials and the manipulation of light so inspiring.
Your work has enabled you to travel extensively; tell us your favourite destination
I’m so lucky to have worked all over the world in fantastic places, such as Hong Kong, Hang Zhou, the States and throughout Europe. But my favourite place to work abroad is New York. Originally and at heart, I’m a Londoner, and I find New York has the same energy and vibe. It feels like a home away from home.
“The most important thing to me is getting to know the client... and particularly how they want to use their space.”
Where will we usually find you when you are not in the studio, working?
In the gym. Days in the office are always busy and hectic, so I like to clear my head with exercise. It always sets me up for the next day.