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Find Your Fit - Posture Improvement

Find Your Fit - Posture Improvement

Observe the pictures below to see how adjusting your posture can make you look instantly taller, leaner, and more powerful. Sal Russ, the Injury and Rehabilitation Specialist at CPASE Health Club, guides Clare Stobart step-by-step on how to improve posture instantly

Step-by-Step Posture Improvement

  1. Feet Position: Stand with feet hip-width apart, ensuring your second toe, knee, and hip form a straight line.

  2. Weight Distribution: Balance your weight evenly through the bottom of your feet. Imagine a triangle under your feet, with two points under the balls of your feet and the third point under your heel. Distribute weight evenly on these points, both front-to-back and left-to-right.

  3. Lower Back: Maintain a slight curve in your lower back with your hip bones level, giving a bit of length to your lower back.

  4. Legs: Keep your legs straight.

  5. Shoulders: Align your shoulders over your hips.

  6. Rib Cage: Keep your rib cage down.

  7. Abdominals: Draw your abdominals in.

  8. Shoulder Blades: Ensure your shoulder blades are flat against the back of your ribs.

  9. Chest: Think about opening out your chest.

  10. Palms: Turn your palms towards your thighs so your little finger tracks down the seam of your trousers.

  11. Head Position: Align your ear with the centre of your shoulder, keeping your chin level.

Factors Affecting Posture

Everyday habits such as prolonged sitting, travelling for long periods, and other sedentary activities can negatively impact posture. Here’s how you can combat these effects and improve your posture:

  1. Take Breaks: Stand up and move around every hour if you have a desk job or are travelling.

  2. Stretch Regularly: Incorporate stretches and exercises into your daily routine to counteract prolonged sitting.

  3. Ergonomic Setup: Ensure your workstation is ergonomically set up to support good posture.

  4. Mindful Movement: Be conscious of your posture throughout the day, correcting it whenever you notice slouching or misalignment.

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